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Abstract #3546

Diffusion Time Dependence in Crossing Fiber Area in in vivo Human White Matter

Masaaki Hori1, Tomoko Maekawa1,2, Kouhei Kamiya2, Yasuhiko Tachibana3, Koji Kamagata1, Issei Fukunaga1, Katsutoshi Murata4, Thorsten Feiweier5, Akifumi Hagiwara1,2, Shohei Fujita1,2, Ryusuke Irie1,2, Christina Andica1, Kanako Kunishima Kumamaru1, Akihiko Wada1, and Shigeki Aoki1

1Radiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 2Radiology, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3Radiology, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan, 4Siemens Japan K.K, Tokyo, Japan, 5Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany

We investigated the diffusion time dependency of diffusion metrics in the white matter crossing fiber areas with different diffusion times using OGSE, PGSE and STEAM-DTI in in vivo human white matter at 3T. Our results show that ADC and AD decreased with increasing diffusion time at Δless than 100ms; after that ADC increased with increasing diffusion time. RD decreased and FA increased with increasing diffusion time. Moreover, the changes of white matter fODF in the white matter crossing fiber area at different diffusion times are shown.

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diffusionfiberwhitecrossingmetricshumanin vivomoreoversteamdependencyjapanorientationdecreaseddependentgradientincreasingbraindependencedistributionoscillatingradiologyspintensor