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Abstract #3570

Improved Hyperpolarized Cerebral Perfusion Imaging Using a Sucrose/Water Glassing Matrix for tert-Butanol

Gopal Varma1, Patricia Coutinho de Souza1, Cody Callahan1, David C Alsop1, and Aaron K Grant1

1Division of MR Research, Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

Perfusion imaging is a promising application for hyperpolarized tracers, as they provide high signal with no endogenous background. Hyperpolarized 13C labeled tert-butanol is a freely diffusible perfusion agent with long T1 and T2 relaxation times in vivo. Prior work has shown that tert-butanol can be polarized to 5-10% using dynamic nuclear polarization through addition of glycerol as a glassing agent. Here we investigate a formulation based on a water/sucrose/tert-butanol mixture that yields a 1.6-fold improvement in polarization, and illustrate its use in 3D cerebral perfusion imaging in rats.

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polarizationsucroseglycerolperfusionformulationwaterholmiumgadoliniumin vivomatrixmixturepreparedisotropicprotonrepresentativeresolutionagentcerebraldegreedynamicglassingnuclearpreparationpreviously