Abstract #2764
Gradient nonlinearity Correction on ADC measurement: A multi-platform study on Diffusion weighted imaging
Chien-Lin Yeh 1,2 , Ruoyun Ma 1,2 , Brain Dale 3 , Thomas L. Chenevert 4 , Michael A. Boss 5 , and Chen Lin 2
School of Health Sciences, Purdue
University, West lafayette, Indiana, United States,
and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of
Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States,
Medical Solutions, North Carolina, United States,
of Radiology, University of Michigan Health System,
Michigan, United States,
Division, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Colorado, United States
It is known that gradient non-linearity can introduce an
error in the measured ADC when off isocenter application
was performed. We measured ADC values at various
position offsets in different types of scanners from a
single vendor and investigated the possibility of
correcting ADC error using gradient field map. The
correction produces declining ADC values at X offset
(R/L) and an elevated ADC at Z offset (H/F), which are
both closer to ADC value at the isocenter. A
significantly lower gradient nonlinearity error also be
shown in our study for long bore scanner compared to
short bore scanner.
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