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Abstract #2200

Reduced Neurite Density in Pre-manifest Huntingtons Disease Population detected by NODDI

Jiaying Zhang 1 , Rachael I Scahill 2 , Alexandra Durr 3 , Blair Leavitt 4 , Raymund Roos 5 , Sarah J Tabrizi 2 , and Hui Zhang 1

1 Department of Computer Science and Centre for Medical Image Computing, UCL, London, United Kingdom, 2 Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Genetics and Cytogenetics, INSERM UMR S679, APHP Hpital de la Salptrire, Paris, France, 4 Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada, 5 Department of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Netherlands

The early detection of microstructural abnormalities in pre-manifest Huntingtons disease (pre-HD) population is important for the development of suitable biomarkers for clinical trials as well as inform future therapeutic strategy. Although tissue microstructure has traditionally been quantified with DTI, more advanced techniques such as NODDI are now available which may provide more specific measures. This study tests this hypothesis in pre-HD. We find that, compared to DTI, NODDI findings are not only more specific, revealing widespread reductions in neurite density, but also more sensitive, detecting more extensive and more statistically significant differences.

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