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Abstract #1563

Non-invasive Assessment of the whole kidney by MOLLI T1 Mapping in chronic kidney disease patients

Iris Friedli 1 , Lindsey Alexandra Crowe 1 , Lena Berchtold 2 , Solange Moll 3 , Karine Hadaya 4 , Pierre-Yves Martin 4 , Sophie De Seigneux 4 , and Jean-Paul Valle 1

1 Division of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2 Division of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 3 Division of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 Division of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

There is an important need of non-invasive biomarkers to monitor, in situ, the chronic kidney disease (CKD) evolution. In this study, we investigated a free breathing Modified Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (MOLLI) motion corrected T1 mapping sequence in CKD patients to enable the difference between healthy volunteers and CKD patients. High image quality was obtained in all the patients. A highly significant difference in the mean T1 was revealed between the cortex but not the medulla of healthy volunteers and patients. This study justifies further clinical studies on the use of MOLLI T1 mapping in kidney patients.

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