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Abstract #1562

Multi-parametric MRI Evaluation of Chronic Kidney Disease BOLD & Perfusion MRI

Jon Thacker 1 , Huan Tan 2 , Lu-Ping Li 2,3 , Wei Li 2,3 , Ying Zhou 3 , Orly Kohn 2 , Stuart Sprague 2,3 , and Pottumarthi Prasad 2,3

1 Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2 University of Chicago, Illinois, United States, 3 NorthShore University HealthSystem, Illinois, United States

A joint BOLD and ASL MRI assessment of renal oxygenation and perfusion was performed in subjects with stage-3 CKD with diabetes. This group was found to have lower renal oxygenation levels (increased R2*) and decreased perfusion compared to a group of controls. A significant correlation was observed between perfusion and eGFR, and a negative correlation between R2* and eGFR. There was significant negative correlation between R2* and perfusion. These observations are consistent with chronic hypoxia theory.

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