Gandhi1, Poonam Rana1, Memita Devi1, Sunil
Pal2, Subash Khushu1
1NMR Research Centre, Institute of
Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, India; 2Division and
Cyclotron & Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Medicine
and Allied Sciences, Delhi, India
stress exposure can affect physiological & cognitive performance in
humans, alter neurotransmitters & hormone level, causes hypohydration
affecting cognitive performance. Present study reveals the changes in
metabolite pattern & identifies potential biomarkers in rat urine due to
heat stress exposure by NMR & multivariate statistical analysis.
Phenylalanine, creatinine, hippurate, pyruvate & citrate concentration
was reduced indicating onset of thermoregulatory response, altered renal
function & enhanced energy consumption. Increased formate indicates
disturbed gut flora. These studies reveal the subtle interplay of functional
metabolites & pathways leading to an understanding of the systemic
response to external stimuli such as heat stress.