Daniel Calle1, Irene Guadilla1, Pilar López-Larrubia1, and Sebastián Cerdán1
We report
on the kinetics of uptake and clearance of Gd(III)DTPA from different brain
structures to healthy mice. We fitted a biexponential model to cerebral time courses of increase
and decrease of T1w MRI signal intensity, calculating rate constants
for the uptake (kabs) and elimination (kel). kabs showed the rapid absorption
in the ventricles and hypothalamus, slowing down significantly in the cortex,
globus pallidus and dentante nucleus. These latter structures required 617 h.
(cortex), 245 h. (globus pallidus) and approximately 100h (hypothalamus and
dentate nucleus), to remove 99% of the administered agent, revealing very high cerebral
residence times of Magnevist.