Abstract #4421
The Importance of Angular Dispersion in Physiological Modeling of Transverse Diffusion Signal Decay
Novena A Rangwala 1 , David B Hackney 1 , and David C Alsop 1
Department of Radiology, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
In this theoretical study we have investigated the
effect of axonal dispersion in white matter on the
accuracy of physiological parameters estimated with a
diffusion model incorporating axonal dispersion into
AxCaliber. Diffusion signal decay was estimated with a
characteristic dispersion angle of 6, at diffusion
times 201000 ms and two axonal diameter distributions,
and fit to AxCaliber equations without angular
dispersion. Results show that although AxCaliber can fit
the signal decay curves effectively, the fitted
parameters do not accurately match the assumed
physiological parameters. These results strongly suggest
that models of diffusion signal decay include axonal
dispersion, even in white matter tracts with
well-aligned fibers.
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