Abstract #3902
Circular Tagging with Concentric Data Acquisition: Can we go real-time?
Shokoufeh Golshani 1 , Abbas N Moghaddam 1 , Holden H Wu 2 , and J. Paul Finn 2
BME, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Tehran,
Science, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
In circular tagging, the information of tag lines which
is used for strain imaging lies on an annular region in
the k-space that can be collected efficiently through
concentric sequence in shorter scan times. In this
study, we investigate the feasibility of real-time data
acquisition for strain imaging through the effective
k-space concentric sampling. We showed that by
acquisition of a small fraction of the k-space data
(approximately 11%), we can still reconstruct the image
in an effective way and extract the tag lines
information required for strain analysis and this will
be very promising for real-time strain imaging.
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