Abstract #3371
Distant Effects of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: A weekly follow-up
Gabriel KOCEVAR 1 , Salem HANNOUN 1,2 , Franoise DURAND-DUBIEF 1,3 , Jean-Amede ROCH 4 , Franois COTTON 1,4 , and Dominique SAPPEY-MARINIER 1,5
CREATIS, UMR5520 & U1044 INSERM, University
of Lyon, Lyon, Rhone-Alpes, France,
University of Lyon, Bron, Rhone-Alpes, France,
de Neurologie A, Hpital Neurologique, Bron,
Rhone-Alpes, France,
de Radiologie, Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, Lyon,
Rhone-Alpes, France,
CERMEP - Imagerie du
Vivant, Bron, France
White matter lesions could lead to neurodegeneration
along the fibers. This study proposes to evaluate white
matter lesions effects on distant regions based on
weekly longitudinal follow-up. This longitudinal
analysis highlighted the ability of DTI to quantify and
monitor underlying pathological mechanisms occurring in
the lesion, and to a lesser extent, in the normal
appearing WM. Significant correlation between lesion and
CC L1, may suggest an axonal degenerative process
occurring along the fiber. Furthermore, fiber tracking
may constitute a new tool to monitor distant effects of
lesions, and therefore better understand the relation
between inflammatory events and neurodegenerative
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