Abstract #2199
Evaluation of the temporal variation of diffusion and micro-perfusion in cisplatin induced rodent renal fibrosis models using multi-b diffusion weighted MR imaging
Haoran Sun 1 , Huanhuan Wu 1 , and Ziheng Zhang 2
Radiology, Tianjin Medical University
Hospital, Tianjin, Tianjin, China,
Research China, GE Healthcare, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) DWI has recently
shown potential to assess functional changes of renal
fibrosis. From the findings through multi-b DW-MRI
measurements on cisplatin induced rodent renal fibrosis
models, the temporal variation of ADC values behaved as
a weight of the true diffusion and pseudo-diffusion. The
biomarkers resulted from mono-exponential model
exhibited a dual phase temporal variation, while those
from bi-exponential model remained a single tendency of
variation. According to the histopathological
observation that the worsening of renal fibrosis with
time, the bi-exponential model might be a better choice
for an accurate indication of the evolution of renal
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