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Abstract #0917

Early therapy evaluation of sunitinib for gastrointestinal stromal tumors using quantitative perfusion and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging: a pilot study

Hyunki Kim 1 , Desiree Morgan 1 , David Sarver 2 , Kyle Lee 1 , T. Beasley 1 , and James Posey 1

1 University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States, 2 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, AR, United States

Quantitative DCE-MRI and DWI were successfully utilized in GIST patients to measure the perfusion and diffusion parameters of tumors. Significant decreases of Ktrans and kep values were observed in GISTs after sunitinib therapy, while tumor ADC values were significantly increased likely reflecting favorable anti-tumor effects. Tumor Ktrans change was significantly correlated with tumor-volume change, and therefore it may serve as an effective surrogate biomarker, especially when applied at earlier time points, to assess the therapeutic efficacy of sunitinib.

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