Abstract #0117
Literacy and the Arcuate Fasciculus
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten 1,2 , Laurent Cohen 1 , Eduardo Amemiya 3 , Lucia Braga 3 , and Stanislas Dehaene 4
Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France,
- Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom,
NetworkInternational Center for Neurosciences and
Rehabilitation, Brasilia, Brazil,
de France, Paris, France
The acquisition of literacy results from an effortful
learning process that leads to functional changes in
several cortical regions. We explored whether learning
to read also leads to anatomical changes within the left
intrahemispheric white matter pathways that interconnect
these regions. We revealed that the acquisition of
literacy is associated with a reinforcement of left
temporo-parietal connections whose microstructure
predicts overall reading performance and the functional
specialization of the Visual Word Form Area. This
anatomical magnetic resonance imaging marker may be
useful to predict developmental reading disorders.
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