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Abstract #5068

Effect of Intense Utilization of Gradients in Magnetic Resonance Current Density Imaging and its Removal

Mehdi Sadighi1, Hasan Hüseyin Eroğlu2, and B. Murat Eyüboğlu1

1Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., Bartın University, Bartın, Turkey

Intense utilization of gradients causes spatial and temporal variations of the main magnetic field which are consistent with resistive heating of the magnet structures. Since MR phase measurements are sensitive to the errors related to the $$$B_0$$$ inhomogeneities correction strategies are required. Here, it is shown that field variations due to the temperature change of MR equipment in Magnetic Resonance Current Density Imaging (MRCDI) using Induced Current Nonlinear Encoding-Spoiled Multi Gradient Echo (ICNE-SPMGE) pulse sequence introduces a bias to noise distribution of magnetic flux density ($$$B_z$$$) measurements. Removing this bias reduces the measured noise standard deviation of the $$$B_z$$$ measurements.

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