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Abstract #4214

Longitudinal heterogeneity of post-exercise perfusion, T2*-weighted MRI and high-energy phosphate metabolism in human calf muscle quantified by interleaved multislice 1H MRI and multivoxel 31P MRS at 7T

Fabian Niess1,2, Albrecht Ingo Schmid1,2, Wolfgang Bogner2,3, Michael Wolzt4, Pierre Carlier5, Ewald Moser1,2, and Martin Meyerspeer1,2

1Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2MR Center of Excellence, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5NMR Laboratory, Institute of Myology, Paris, France

Multivoxel 31P semi-LASER was used to acquire time-resolved spectra from two positions along the gastrocnemius medialis muscle during rest, exercise and recovery. Simultaneously, quantitative perfusion- and T2*-weighted images of the calf were acquired with multislice 1H ASL MRI, in an interleaved fashion. Significantly different results were found with 31P MRS along gastrocnemius medialis: proximally, end-exercise PCr depletion was higher, PCr recovery times longer, end-exercise pH was lower and maximum oxidative capacity was also lower. Significantly higher post-exercise perfusion and slightly stronger T2*-weighted signal increase were found in proximal slices, which is consistent with the aforementioned distribution of metabolic activity.

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