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Abstract #4070

Comparison of fetal lung diffusivity in cases of pulmonary hypoplasia to normative MRI data

Clemente Velasco‐Annis1, Ali Gholipour1, Judy A. Estroff1, Richard B. Parad2, Terry L. Buchmiller1, Carol E. Barnewolt1, Sila Kurugol1, Simon K. Warfield1, and Onur Afacan1

1Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

Typically the fetal lungs are measured using structural magnetic resonance (MRI) or ultrasound images, but improvements in fetal MR imaging have made diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) feasible for even fetal patients. Previously it was shown that lung diffusion could be reliably measured for fetuses with normal lung development and that diffusivity increased with gestational age (GA). In this study we applied the same techniques to measure lung diffusivity in patients indicated for congenital diaphragmatic hernias. We then compared diffusivity measurements for both the herniated-side, left lung and right lung to normative lung diffusivity data.

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