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Abstract #2905

Comparison of quantitative blood oxygenation imaging methods for the assessment of brain tumor oxygen consumption in native MRI.

Jan Sedlacik1, Julia Götz1, Patrick Borchert1, Divya Bolar2, Lasse Dührsen3, Nils Ole Schmidt3, Jan-Hendrik Buhk1, and Jens Fiehler1

1Neuroradiology, UKE, Hamburg, Germany, 2Radiology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States, 3Neurosurgery, UKE, Hamburg, Germany

The comparison of the blood oxygen extract fraction (OEF) of solid tumor regions between the QUantitative Imaging of eXtraction of Oxygen and TIssue Consumption (QUIXOTIC) and quantitative Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (qBOLD) methods showed an opposite trend of qBOLD-OEF and QUIXOTIC-OEF between tumor and cortical GM. Further analysis suggests that QUIXOTIC-OEF may be compromised by the strong and long lasting magnetization of the increased interstitial water due to tumor edema and, therefore, no reliable parameter to assess tumor OEF. On the other hand, qBOLD-OEF may have correctly detected a higher OEF of solid tumor regions.

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