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Abstract #2390

Stacked In-plane Histology for Quantitative Validation of Non-invasive Imaging Biomarkers: Application to an Infiltrative Brain Tumour Model

Haitham Al-Mubarak1, Antoine Vallatos2, Joanna Birch3, Lindsay Gallagher1, James Mullin4, Lesley Glmour4, John Foster5, Anthony Chalmers6, and William Holmes1

1Glasgow Experimental MRI Center, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2Centre of Clinical Brain Science, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 5Department of Clinical Physics and Bioengineering, Greater Glasgow Health Board and University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 6Institute of Cancer Sciences, Glasgow university, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Despite the advance in medical imaging, it is important to validate new imaging biomarkers for a particular disease against histopathology, which is considered the ground truth. Here we propose a methodology for the quantitative validation of MRI biomarkers by the co-registration of histological probability maps with MR images. Using a mouse model of infiltrative brain tumours, we show this approach is far more robust than those currently applied.

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