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Abstract #2011

Myocardial T1 mapping using inversion recovery with radial simultaneous multi-slice readout and model-based reconstruction

Ye Tian1,2, Jason Mendes1, Edward DiBella1, and Ganesh Adluru1

1UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Here we propose an inversion recovery based radial simultaneous multi-slice sequence for myocardial T1 mapping. 3 slices of T1 maps were acquired simultaneously within one breath hold spanning 11 heartbeats. Model based reconstruction was used to jointly reconstruct images at different inversion times and estimate T1 maps. Native T1, post-contrast T1 and ECV maps agree with results from the slice-by-slice Cartesian MOLLI sequence.

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