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Abstract #1611

Test-retest repeatability of ADC measurements using MUSE: Evaluation in phantoms and prostate

Fuad Nurili1, Maggie Fung1, Yulia Lakhman1, Ricardo Otazo1, David Yusupov1, Elena Kaye1, Oguz Akin1, and Yousef Mazaheri1

1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States

In this study, we evaluated the repeatability of multiplexed sensitivity-encoding (MUSE) DW-EPI apparent diffusion coefficient measurements (ADC) in phantom and prostate images. High quality test-retest prostate and phantom ADC maps obtained from phantom and volunteer studies measured values using MUSE (2-4 interleaves) were within 1.4-4.7% (phantom) and 3.2-14.7% (prostate) of one another. In comparison, test-retest repeatability results for standard single-shot EPI (acceleration factor=2) were 4.5-9.4% (phantom) and 15.2-19.2% (prostate). MUSE images exhibit reduced geometric distortion.

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