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Abstract #1234

Whole heart ungated myocardial perfusion imaging with steady-state radial SMS readout and without magnetization preparation

Ye Tian1,2, Jason Mendes1, Brent Wilson3, Edward DiBella1, and Ganesh Adluru1

1UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Cardiovascular, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Here we propose a framework for dynamic contrast enhanced myocardial perfusion MRI using an interleaved slice-group radial simultaneous multi-slice acquisition without magnetization preparation or ECG gating. The unique acquisition and reconstruction framework can provide 9 image slices with high spatial resolution cover the whole heart, and have comparable normal-ischemic tissue contrast with saturation recovery prepared radial readout, but is more efficient and robust. Also bright-blood cine images at the same slice positions can be reconstructed that can improve the cardiac MRI efficiency.

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