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Abstract #1121

A multiparametric (1H, 23Na, diffusion, flow) anthropomorphic abdominal phantom for multimodal MR and CT imaging

Wiebke Neumann*1, Tanja Uhrig*1, Nadia K. Paschke1, Marius Siegfarth2, Andreas J. Rothfuss2, Gordian Kabelitz1, Khanlian Chung1, Alena-Kathrin Schnurr1, Lothar R. Schad1, Jan L. Stallkamp2,3, and Frank G. Zöllner1

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Project Group for Automation in Medicine and Biotechnology, Mannheim, Germany, 3Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany

Anthropomorphic phantoms are essential for the evaluation of image registration algorithms in multimodal imaging, quantification experiments in multinuclear MR imaging, and verification of diffusion and flow measurements. A human-like abdominal phantom incorporating a liver with lesions, a rib cage, vessels, and a lung was developed. Its tissue-mimicking characteristics were evaluated with 1H and 23Na MR and CT imaging as well as functional flow and diffusion MR imaging. The phantom exhibited morphological and functional parameters comparable to corresponding human values. It is suitable for a quantitative evaluation of a clinical workflow ranging from diagnostics to interventional procedures.

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