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Abstract #0954

Accelerated Spectral-Editing MRSI using Subspace Modeling, Multi-Slab Acquisition and 3D CAIPIRINHA Undersampling

Chao Ma1, Debra E. Horng1, Paul K. Han1, Shuang Hu1,2, Kexin Deng3, Kui Ying4, and Georges El Fakhri1

1Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 4Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Spectral-editing MRSI allows reliable and selective detection of many important metabolites, e.g., GABA and 2-HG, by eliminating all uncoupled resonances in the J-difference spectrum. Despite significant advances in fast MRSI sequences and constrained image reconstruction, spectral-editing MRSI is still limited by its long acquisition time and low spatial resolution. Recently, a subspace-based approach has been proposed to accelerate spectral-editing MRSI, reporting encouraging phantom and in vivo results. In this work, we propose to further accelerate the subspace-based spectral editing MRSI using (i) multi-slab acquisition to maximize the time efficiency of long-TR spin-echo acquisition and (ii) a 3D (2D spatial + 1D spectral) CAIPIRINHA (Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging Results in Higher Acceleration) scheme for sparse sampling of the (k,t)-space. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method using simulation, phantom, and in vivo studies.

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