Spectral-editing MRSI allows reliable and selective detection of many important metabolites, e.g., GABA and 2-HG, by eliminating all uncoupled resonances in the J-difference spectrum. Despite significant advances in fast MRSI sequences and constrained image reconstruction, spectral-editing MRSI is still limited by its long acquisition time and low spatial resolution. Recently, a subspace-based approach has been proposed to accelerate spectral-editing MRSI, reporting encouraging phantom and in vivo results. In this work, we propose to further accelerate the subspace-based spectral editing MRSI using (i) multi-slab acquisition to maximize the time efficiency of long-TR spin-echo acquisition and (ii) a 3D (2D spatial + 1D spectral) CAIPIRINHA (Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging Results in Higher Acceleration) scheme for sparse sampling of the (k,t)-space. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method using simulation, phantom, and in vivo studies.
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