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Abstract #0748

Gd-DOTA mass distribution from the Glymphatic Pathway into rat brain measured by 3D DCE-MRat 9.4T

Xiaodan Liu1,2,3, Sunil Koundal1, Simon Sanggaard1, Helene Benveniste1, and Hedok Lee1

1Anesthesiology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States, 2Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 3Medical imaging center, First Affiliated Hospital of JINAN University, Guangzhou, China

The recently discovered the "glymphatic pathway" for brain waste clearance, comprises a brain-wide peri-vascular transit passageway for facilitating CSF-ISF ‘cross-talk’, in an AQP4 water channel driven manner. In this study, we report a method to calculate time-resolved 3D Gd-DOTA mass distribution maps to depict the glymphatic transport. We detected higher mass retention in GM compared to WM, due to the tissue volume differences. High Gd uptake in the cerebellum coincides with the high expression of AQP4 water channels in this area. These findings emphasize the importance of the anatomical glymphatic network with high Gd uptake capacity may be related with the distribution and functionality of AQP4.

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