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Abstract #4148

Wind Out-In Dual-Echo Yarn-Ball with Application to Knee Imaging

Robert W. Stobbe1 and Christian Beaulieu1

1Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

3D centre-out Yarn-Ball k-space acquisition is implemented in a wind-out/wind-in dual-echo format for the first time. As with standard 3D-Radial acquisition this technique facilitates short (first ‘echo’) TE with utility for imaging tissues with short T2*. However, the advantage of centre-out Yarn-Ball is much greater k-space sampling efficiency than 3D-Radial. Smooth variation from wind-out to wind-in minimizes potential errors in k-space trajectory evolution as a result of eddy-currents. Spoiled-steady-state dual-echo 3D Yarn-Ball images with 0.7x0.7x0.7 mm3 voxels were acquired from the knee of a healthy volunteer in 6 minutes, and the difference image shows ligament and meniscus conspicuity.

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