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Abstract #3294

Echo time dependence in temporal frequency shift curves at 3T and 7T

Surabhi Sood1, David C Reutens1, Shrinath Kadmangudi1, Markus Barth1, and Viktor Vegh1

1Centre for Advanced Imaging, Brisbane, Australia

Quantitative susceptibility mapping is an MRI tool for mapping anatomical variations. The region specific echo time dependence of frequency shift curves computed from gradient recalled echo MRI data are likely due to variations in tissue microstructure, arrangement and packing. However, the effect of field strength on frequency shift curves has not been established to date. We investigated how frequency shift curves vary with field strength (3T versus 7T) and assessed how changes in the quantitative susceptibility mapping pipeline change the result. 7T data leads to less variability in frequency shift curves and, non-linear trends are present irrespective of methodological differences.

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