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Abstract #2296

Use of Entwined Magnitude and Phase-sensitive Inversion REcovery (EMPIRE) Pulse Sequences to Study the Brain and Knee

Yajun Ma1, Wei Zhao1, Adam Searleman1, Jiang Du1, Nikolaus M Szeverenyi1, and Graeme M Bydder1

1Radiology, Univ of Cal, San Diego, LaJolla, CA, United States

The combination (addition/subtraction) of magnitude and phase-sensitive IR images (termed EMPIRE technique) when appropriate TIs were used was found to provide increased tissue contrast over specific ranges of tissue T1. This behavior was explored numerically and summarized in signal intensity vs. T1 plots. Clinically relevant applications were demonstrated in brain and knee cartilage using FSE and UTE data collections. In addition to increased contrast, this approach allowed detection of short T2 tissue signals while suppressing unwanted signal from longer T1 tissue fluids.

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