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Abstract #2017

Functional and structural deficits in a novel transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Cynthia Anckaerts1, Ines Blockx1,2, Christina Kreutzer3, Hervé Boutin4, Sébastien Couillard-Despres3, Marleen Verhoye1, and Annemie Van der Linden1

1Bio-Imaging Lab, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, Center for Biomedical Imaging, New York, NY, United States, 3Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg; Institute of Experimental Neuroregeneration; Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria, 4Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

As improving our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) pathology is of utmost importance, the development and characterization of innovative animal models is essential in AD-related research. Here, we further characterized a novel transgenic rat model of AD, the TgF344-AD rat, which manifests progressive AD pathology, much akin to human AD. Functional and structural deficits along the disease progression were assessed using resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging, respectively.

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