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Abstract #4463

Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²) – Update and Roadmap

Felix Arndt1, Sebastian Aussenhofer2, Eva Behrens3, Christian Blücher3, Peter Blümler4, Janko Brand5, Kate Michi Ettinger6, Ariane Fillmer7, William Grissom8, Bernhard Gruber9,10, Bastien Guerin11,12, Sergej Haas13, Haopeng Han3, Michael Hansen14, Christopher Jordan Hasselwander8, Russ Hodge3, Werner Hoffmann7, Bernd Ittermann7, Marcin Jakubowski15, Andre Kühne16, Stefan Klein17, Stefan Kroboth18, Mark Ladd19,20, Kelvin Layton21, Brian Leiva, Sebastian Littin18, Blanca López-Aranguren Blázquez, Kasper Marstal17, Ralf Mekle22, Manuel Moritz23, Raphael Moritz3, Thoralf Niendorf3,16,24, Ruben Pellicer25, Mihir Pendse26, Athanasios Polimeridis27, Tobias Redlich23, Henning Reiman3, Reiner Seemann7, Frank Seifert7, Ludger Starke3, Jason Stockmann28, Tony Stoecker29, Kazuyuki Takeda30, Lukas Thiele, Martin Uecker31, Florian von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff32, Robert Wahlstedt33, Andrew Webb34, Simone Winkler35, Lukas Winter3, Huijun Yu18, and Maxim Zaitsev18

1Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany, 2Noras MRI products GmbH, Höchberg, Germany, 3Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.), Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association, Berlin, Germany, 4Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 5One World Doctors, Berlin, Germany, 6Mural Institute, San Francisco, CA, United States, 7Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany, 8Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 9Institute of Biomedical Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 10Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 11Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 12Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 13Haasdesign, Erkrath, Germany, 14National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 15Open Source Ecology, MO, United States, 16MRI.TOOLS GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 17Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Depts. of Medical Informatics & Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 18Department of Radiology – Medical Physics, Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 19Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 20Erwin L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 21Institute for Telecommunications Research, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, Australia, 22Center for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB), Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 23Institute for Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany, 24Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), a joint cooperation between the Charité Medical Faculty and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 25Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 26Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 27Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow Region, Russian Federation, 28A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 29German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany, 30Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 31Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, 32Cardiology at Agatharied Hospital, University of Munich, Hausham, Germany, 33Regenerative Science Institute Spokane, Washington, WA, United States, 34C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Dept of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 35Lucas Center for Imaging, Dept of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

*authors are listed in alphabetical order

The aim of the open source imaging initiative (OSI²) is to collaboratively share research in MR technology and building a quality, affordable open source MR scanner. Combining innovation and open source (OS) approaches will generate global value by reproducible science and development and will allow a major reduction of investments and operational costs with the guiding principle: From the community, for the community. OSI² ( was presented for the first time at the ISMRM 2016. Here we present an update and a roadmap towards the fulfillment of our vision.

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