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Abstract #3971

Density Optimized Low-Discrepancy k-Space Trajectory for Accelerated Single-Point Imaging

Tobias Speidel1 and Volker Rasche2

1Core Facility Small Animal Imaging, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Department of Internal Medicine II, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany

Single-point imaging (SPI) methods are a rarely discussed topic due to the related long acquisition times. However, single-point imaging sequences provide a powerful tool for the suppression of susceptibility and chemical shift artefacts. Additionally, single-point imaging methods exhibit the intrinsic possibility of arbitrary sampling, which makes them predestinated for the combination with imaging acceleration methods, such as Compressed Sensing as a type of non-linear optimization. In this work, we present a three-dimensional spherical SPI quasi-random MRI trajectory, generated using low-discrepancy algorithms with density-optimized centre-oversampling, capable of high undersampling and metal-artefact suppression.

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