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Abstract #3970

Field-of-View Packing and k-Space Fast Sampling

Yudong Zhu1

1Zhu Consulting, Scarsdale, NY, United States

By natural or artificial arrangement, excited spins may cluster in discrete areas of a multi-dimensional image-space. By leveraging gaps in-between, one may under-sample k-space while preserving the ability to map the spin distribution. FOV-packing is a new technology that maximizes efficiency mapping gapped distribution (spatially, spectrally and etc.) and extends reach. When applied to simultaneous multi-slice MRI, it leads to a unique technique that is speedy (due to sampling of image space and acceleration of encoding), with √N SNR scaling (due to volumetric encoding’s noise averaging effect) and super-resolution capability (due to FOV packing and the option of resolving sub-slices).

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