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Abstract #3775

Human cardiac creatine by CrCEST: potential improved fitting methods

Jane Ellis1, Mabel Li1, Michael Chappell2, Mathew Robson1, and Christopher Rodgers1

1OCMR, RDM Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

The development of a novel CEST technique optimised to measure creatine in the human heart. After unsuccessful measurement of in vivo creatine concentrations using MTRasym, more robust model-based analysis methods based on spectral line shapes were tested and implemented on phantom data, with these model-based methods showing significant improvement to MTRasym analysis. Going forward, the developed pulse sequence combined with the model-based analysis methods are a promising step towards human cardiac creatine CEST.

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