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Abstract #1796

Longitudinal tissue changes in tumefactive demyelinating lesion associated with the administration of disease modifying drugs: a free water diffusion MRI study.

Salvatore Andrea Lacava1, Ofer Pasternak2, Maurizia Chiusole3, Giorgio Rossi4, John Dewitt Port5, and Nivedita Agarwal6

1Trento University, Department of Cognitive Science, Trento, Italy, 2Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 3Section of Neurology, Hospital of Rovereto, 4Section of Neurology, Hospital of Rovereto, APSS, 5Section of Neuroradiology, Mayo Clinic, 6Neuroradiologist, U.O. Radiology

It is challenging to diagnostically distinguish tumefactive demyelinating lesions (TDLs) from tumors surrounded by massive edema and mid-line shift such as high grade gliomas. We demonstrate free water diffusion MRI analysis to identify water diffusivity compartments in the lesion, and to monitor effects of medical treatment over time. We believe that free water diffusion analysis can be important adjunct to conventional MR, and adds value by improving our understanding of the histologic components of a lesion, which can help clinical diagnosis and potentially avoid biopsy.

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