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Abstract #1594

Age estimation using MR imaging of the third molar teeth and the medial clavicular epiphysis: Validation of a multifactorial approach

Thomas Widek1,2, Pia Baumann3, Heiko Merkens1, Thomas Ehammer1, Andreas Petrovic2,4, Isabella Klasinc1,5, Martin Urschler1,2,6, and Eva Scheurer7

1Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Clinical Forensic Imaging, Graz, Austria, 2BioTechMed, Graz, Austria, 3University Center of Legal Medicine Lausanne-Geneva, University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 5Institute of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Austria, 6Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 7Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Basel - Health Department Basel, Switzerland

High migration rates in the last years put forensic age estimation of living people at the forefront of forensic research. The established standard for age estimation uses images acquired with ionizing radiation, therefore radiation-free alternatives such as MRI are currently of high interest. In this study a CT based multifactorial approach that combines wisdom teeth and clavicles was validated with MRI data. The sensitivity to estimate subjects under 18 years of age as minors with MRI lies above 93%. Our results showed that MR could replace the CT based multifactorial Approach.

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