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Abstract #1155

Chemogenetic fMRI and 18F-FDG PET Reveal Functional Projections of Hoxb1-Derived Noradrenargic Neurons

Manasmita Das1, Esteban Oyarzabal1, Yu-Wei Chen2, Sung Ho Lee1, Lars Chen1, Weiting Zhang1, Patricia Jensen2, and Yen-Yu Ian Shih1

1Biomedical Research Imaging Center, Department of Neurology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2Developmental Neurobiology, NIEHS/NIH

In this study, we show that chemogenetic fMRI and 18 F FDG PET can sensitively dissect the functional neurocircuits of noradrenergic cells derived from rhombomere 4 expressing Hoxb1 during neurodevelopment. To address this, we used a novel genetically engineered mouse line expressing Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated for Designer Drugs (DREADD) in Hoxb1-derived noradrenargic neurons in several subpopulations throughout the pons and medulla. For the first time, we used ICA-based fMRI analaysis to dissect the complex polysynaptic pathways associated with chemogenetic modulation of Hoxb-1 derived noradrenargic neurons.

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