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Abstract #0091

Dynamic interleaved NMR measurements of perfusion, deoxymyoglobin and phosphorylated metabolites during ischemic and exercise paradigms in the calf and thigh muscles

Alfredo Liubomir Lopez Kolkovsky1,2, Benjamin Marty1,2, Bertrand Coppa1,2, Eric Giacomini1, and Pierre G Carlier1,2

1NMR Laboratory, Institute of Myology, Paris, France, 2CEA, DRF, I²BM, MIRCen, Paris, France

NMR allows to investigate multiple aspects of physiological parameters like regional perfusion, blood and tissue oxygenation, intracellular pH or high-energy phosphate metabolism. In the past, interleaved multi-parametric multi-nuclear dynamic NMR imaging and spectroscopy of skeletal muscle was developed on prototype scanners. Here we developed an interleaved pulse sequence combining NMR acquisitions of a perfusion image, 1H deoxy-myoglobin and 31P spectra on a clinical system without any hardware modifications from the customer. We successfully evaluated this sequence in the ischemic calf muscle and exercising quadriceps muscle. Nevertheless, using a surface coil for pulsed-ASL measurements remains a limitation at this time.

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