Abstract #4232
Quantitative MRI of Triangular Fibrocartilage (TFC): Correlation with Biomechanical Properties.
Mohammed Aakef 1 , Tania Kumar 1 , Reni Biswas 1 , Betty Tran 1 , Sheronda Statum 1 , Eric Y Chang 2 , Won C Bae 1 , and Christine B Chung 2,3
Radiology, Univeristy of California, San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States,
Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, CA, United States,
Univeristy of California, San Diego, CA, United States
Triangular Fibrocartilage (TFC) serves important
biomechanical function and its injury is a common cause
of wrist pain. This study evaluated quantitative MR
properties of TFC using two T1rho sequences tailored for
long (MAPSS T1rho) and short (UTE T1rho) T2 components,
and correlated the values with local indentation modulus
of the TFC. While significant negative correlations were
found, the strength of correlation was greater for UTE
T1rho measurements.
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