Abstract #4011
DW-MRI evaluation of the serial changes of diffusion and microperfusion in adriamycin induced renal injury rat
Haoran Sun 1 , Huanhuan Wu 2 , and Ziheng Zhang 3
Radiology, Tianjin Medical University
Hospital, Tianjin, Tianjin, China,
Medical University Hospital, China,
Research China,GE Healthcare, Shanghai, China
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) DWI has recently
shown potential to assess functional changes of chronic
kidney diseases. This study is to evaluate the
feasibility of the mono- and bi-exponential models
measurements through multi-b DW-MRI in reflection of the
serial variation of diffusion and microperfusion
noninvasively on adriamycin induced rodent renal injury
models. It was found the serial variation of ADC, f, D*
values are sensitive to the progression of renal
disorder induced by adriamycin and according to the
histological findings, which suggests one, we can
noninvasively assess renal injury according using DW-MRI
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