Abstract #3966
3D Hybrid Radial-Cartesian Sampling for Improved Resting State FMRI using k-t FASTER
Mark Chiew 1 , Nadine N Graedel 1 , Jennifer A McNab 2 , Stephen M Smith 1 , and Karla L Miller 1
FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom,
Stanford University, California, United States
In this work, the k-t FASTER method for accelerating
resting state FMRI data acquisition is demonstrated
using a 3D hybrid radial-Cartesian acquisition, which
facilitates accelerated reconstruction at multiple
temporal resolutions. We combine k-t FASTER acceleration
with parallel imaging, using radial acceleration factors
ranging from R=1.67 to R=12.5x to produce 2 mm isotropic
whole brain images at TRs ranging from 3 s down to 0.4
s. Resting state network expression is found to be
optimised when the benefit of increased temporal degrees
of freedom (provided by higher acceleration), is offset
by diminishing reconstruction quality.
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