Abstract #3866
Feasibility of performing weekly intravoxel incoherent motion DW-MRI and monitoring anatomical and functional changes in nasopharynx tumors during chemoradiation therapy
Yonggang Lu 1 , Nancy Lee 1 , Vaois Hatzoglou 1 , Nadeem Riaz 1 , Joseph O. Deasy 1 , and Amita Shukla-Dave 1
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NEW
YORK, New York, United States
Our aim is to identify imaging biomarkers predictive of
treatment response in nasopharyngeal cancer for
personalizing radiotherapy. A total of 37 weekly
intravoxel incoherent motion DW-MRI studies were
performed on 5 patients to assess early chemoradiation
treatment response. The results demonstrated that
chemoradiation treatment led to a decrease of tumor
volumes in all 5 patients and an increase of diffusion
and perfusion metrics in 4 patients. One patient had
tumor infiltration of the muscle and the diffusion
metric remained unchanged in this patient during
treatment. The study concludes that diffusion and
perfusion metrics are potential imaging biomarkers of
tumor response.
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