Abstract #3462
How does white matter microstructure change in human early development based on WMTI and NODDI?
Ileana O. Jelescu 1 , Jelle Veraart 1 , Vitria Adisetiyo 1 , Sarah Milla 1 , Dmitry S. Novikov 1 , and Els Fieremans 1
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of
Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New
York, United States
White matter microstructural changes during the first
three years of healthy brain development are
characterized using two models developed for limited
clinical diffusion data: White Matter Tract Integrity
(WMTI) metrics and Neurite Orientation Dispersion and
Density Imaging (NODDI). Both models reveal a non-linear
increase in intra-axonal water fraction and in
tortuosity of the extra-axonal space as a function of
age, in the genu, splenium and posterior limb of the
internal capsule. The changes are consistent with
myelination and asynchrony of fiber development. The
quantitative differences in parameter estimates between
models are explained by each model's assumptions and
consequent biases.
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