Abstract #3461
High-field neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging of sheep brain development
Yohan van de Looij 1 , Justin M Dean 2 , Alistair J Gunn 2 , Petra S Hppi 1 , and Stphane V Sizonenko 1
Division of Child Growth and Development,
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland,
of Physiology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Parameters derived from diffusion tensor imaging
(diffusivities and fractional anisotropy) are not
specific to, the tissues microstructure. Recently, the
neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging
(NODDI), estimating the microstructural complexity of
neuritis has been developed. In this work we aimed to
study ex-vivo brain development of a gyrencephalic
specie (sheep brain) at different gestational ages by
using DWI acquisition at 9.4T fitted with the NODDI
model. NODDI modelling leads to more specific markers of
the tissues microstructure development and will be of
high interest to study gyrified models of perinatal
brain injury as well as in clinical practice.
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