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Abstract #3431

Quantitative analysis of global pattern of early cortical folding in polymicrogyria fetal brains

Kiho Im 1 , Alexandre Guimaraes 1 , Borjan Gagoski 1 , Caitlin Rollins 1 , Edward Yang 1 , and P. Ellen Grant 1

1 Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

This study aims to investigate global patterns of early cortical folding and anatomically label primary sulci in individual human fetal brains. We analyzed typically developing and polymicrogyria (PMG) fetal brains by measuring sulcal pattern similarity with normal fetal brain templates. Our sulcal pattern comparison method characterized interrelated sulcal arrangement and patterning in the global cortical area, and effectively detected abnormal global patterns of early primary sulci in PMG in both hemispheres. Our method can help to identify and quantify abnormal early cortical organization even in the third trimester of fetal life before cortical folding pattern is fully determined.

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