Abstract #3369
Oxidative Stress Sensitive Magnetization Transfer
Rong-Wen Tain 1,2 , Weiguo Li 3 , Tibor Valyi-Nagy 4 , Xiaohong Joe Zhou 1,2 , and Kejia Cai 1,2
Radiology, College of Medicine, University
of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United
for MR Research, College of Medicine, University of
Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States,
Resource Center, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Illinois, United States,
College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Illinois, United States
Magnetization transfer (MT) can occur via chemical
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) and/or dipole-dipole
interactions (Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement or NOE).
This study aims to investigate the sensitivity of MT in
the broad definition to oxidative stress through
controlled ex vivo studies. Z-spectra were acquired from
egg white and lamb brain tissues treated with hydrogen
peroxide for one hour. In the Z-spectra, distinctive
reductions in the NOE, CEST and the semi-solid MT
contrasts were seen due to induced oxidative stress. We
demonstrated the sensitivity of magnetization transfer
is dependent on the level of induced oxidative stress.
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