Abstract #3334
R 1 Correction for Quantitative Amide Proton Transfer Imaging
Hua Li 1 , Ke Li 1 , Xiao-Yong Zhang 1 , Zhongliang Zu 1 , Moritz Zaiss 2 , Daniel F. Gochberg 1 , John C. Gore 1 , and Junzhong Xu 1
Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States,
of Medical Physics in Radiology, DKFZ, Heidelberg, BW,
Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging has been suggested
as a surrogate biomarker of endogenous mobile proteins
and peptides. However, conventional APT analyses using
magnetization transfer asymmetry, may be significantly
influenced by various confounding effects, such as MT,
R1, and direct saturation. Previously reported R1
correction approaches are based on a simplified two-pool
(water and amide protons) model. However, in biological
tissues, water exists in multiple compartments. In this
study, Gd-DTPA was introduced into tissue in order to
selectively alter extracellular relaxation in tumors. By
such a means, the accuracy of R1 corrections for APT
imaging was evaluated in vivo.
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