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Abstract #3242

Estimating Microvessel Spacing or Cell Sizes Using R 1 Dispersion

John Thomas Spear 1,2 , Xiaoyong Zhang 2,3 , and John Gore 2,3

1 Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TENNESSEE, United States, 2 Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TENNESSEE, United States, 3 Department of Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TENNESSEE, United States

R 1 lower case Greek rho dispersion measurements are used to quantify sub-voxel microstructure in rat liver. Liver was chosen due to its relatively homogeneous makeup and for the fact that a Gd-DTPA injection will stay extracellular. Dispersion in R 1 lower case Greek rho at low locking fields has been shown to be caused by diffusion through internal susceptibility gradients. The inflection of the corresponding dispersion provides insight into the dimensions of the structures that perturb the local field. The data presented suggest the dispersion originates from the microvasculature and not the individual cells. The preliminary results are promising but further validation is required.

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