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Abstract #3029

Estimation of pore size distributions with diffusion MRI: feasibility for clinical scanners

Gaetan Duchene 1 , Frank Peeters 1 , and Thierry Duprez 1

1 Medical Imaging, Universit Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Pore size distribution (PSD) estimation has been proposed using double pulsed field gradient sequences with zero mixing time and infinite diffusion time under the short gradient pulse approximation. Such an idealization is not valid for clinical scanners. In this work, we simulated data from MRI scanners (with finite gradient duration). We investigated the resulting systematic errors on the estimated PSDs as well as random errors due to noise, and discuss the choice of experimental parameters. We found that accurate estimations are possible if the exact gradient waveform is taken into account in the estimation procedure.

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