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Abstract #2732

Sub-Millimeter Motion-Corrected Tissue Phase Mapping for Transmural Analysis of LV Motion

Jan Paul 1 , Stefan Wundrak 1 , Heiko Neumann 2 , and Volker Rasche 1

1 Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2 Institute of Neural Information Processing, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany

We investigated transmural (endocardialepicardial) differences of LV motion by means of velocities measured with high resolution tissue phase mapping (TPM). The results show that some transmural differences are lost by simple averaging of multiple respiratory states, but are preserved with applied motion correction. In conclusion, high resolution TPM allows detailed analysis of LV motion. Motion correction enables improved SNR while preserving image sharpness and velocity information.

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