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Abstract #2358

Three-Dimentional Stereotactic Surface Projections Applied to Arterial Spin Labeling in a Clinical Population

Jalal B. Andre 1 , Greg Wilson 1 , Yoshimi Anzai 1 , Mahmud Mossa-Basha 1 , Michael N. Hoff 1 , and Satoshi Minoshima 1

1 Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States

We investigate the diagnostic applicability and performance of three-dimensional stereotactic surface projections (3D-SSP), a commonly used tool for molecular brain PET imaging, as applied to arterial spin labeling in clinical MR examinations. Expert reader assessment found that the 3D-SSP method was generally preferred over the traditional method of ASL display. We conclude that 3D-SSP statistical mapping is feasible in a clinical population and enables quantitative data extraction and reliable localization of perfusion abnormalities by means of stereotactic coordinates in a condensed display. This technique may provide added value in the clinical assessment of a variety of neurological pathologies.

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